Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Training Hard and Gentofte for Next Season

Hello Everyone,

This week I have been primarily focused on a rigid physical fitness routine. I need to get fitter than I am right now to compete at the top level. I have been running every day and weights three times a week to. This coupled with game play morning noon and night has me in the grove again.
I have my final league match next week against Odense but it’s really a formality as we have gained promotion. On that note I am delighted to announce that I have signed a new contract with Gentofte for next year so I’m really looking forward to playing premier league badminton with them. I have really enjoyed my time at the club and I’m happy to be here again for another year.
I also started Danish lessons this week so before long I will be able to talk crap in two languages….. LOL. I’m still suffering a bit with this tummy thing so I’m off to the doctor again now to see what next step is. It’s certainly not as bad as it was but its still there and niggling at me. Hopefully its nothing to serious and I can keep training.

That’s all for now folks



szerin said...

Envy envy envy! Running everyday, morning nooon night training, sounds sooo fun!

Have a good time!

Unknown said...

Hey Szerin,

Sometimes its hard doing all this training but to play at the top its on the training court and gym is where the work is needed. But all the hard work is worth it in the end

All The Best


szerin said...

Yeah, bet it's hard! But it's nevertheless fun too! ->To completely work yourself out and go back home feeling exhausted, truth be known that the real feeling is actually satisfaction..! :D Still E.N.V.Y man! Aghh, miss badminton so much.. :/