Monday, August 4, 2014

First day in Rio


A very good day yesterday to start what will hopefully be a good week. I trained for 2 hours yesterday with Henri from Sweden in the main hall. The main hall has only 3 courts which is a bit strange for a Grand Prix tournament. We had a very good session and I felt very good even after the long trip on Saturday. 

After coming back from training and time for a quick shower and change of clothes Henri, his coach Jonas and myself went out for late lunch/dinner. We walked along Copacabana beach until we found a nice restaurant.

Here is a few pictures of the beach and Henri and myself at dinner. 

The lad on the right is having a great time catching some sun :-)

Yesterday evening Sam, Chloe and Josh arrived so it's nice to have the other Irish players here. 

Today we will be training from 13-15 and then I will go to the gym later this evening for a short session.


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